Daugavas Vanagi Kanadā


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Daugavas Vanagi Kanadā - Zemes Valdes Locekļi
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Ziedojiet Daugavas Vanagiem - Lietojiet CanadaHelps.org
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72 Stundas - ko darīt krīzes situācijā


The official inauguration of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism – Canada, a Land of Refuge will take place on December 12, 2024, in partnership with the project's main promoter, Tribute to Liberty. This ceremony will unveil “Arc of Memory”, a sculptural array of over 4,000 bronze rods intended to express the vastness of communist oppression and invite visitors to reflect on Canada as a free and welcoming country.
The Government of Canada will continue its due diligence to ensure all aspects of the Memorial remain compatible with Canadian values on democracy and human rights.

Biedru nauda: CAD25,00 gadā. Mūža biedru nauda: CAD175,00

Daugavas Vanagi Kanadā - Zemes Valdes Interneta Vietne
Home Page of The Latvian Relief Society of Canada
72 Stundas - ko darīt krīzes situācijā

Kad mainīts: 2024-12-03T05:07:19-05:00 05

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